The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui / 2016
“The day will come when everyone you've smashed will rise.”
“The place is Prohibition-era Chicago, and the once-powerful Cauliflower Trust is in serious trouble…can they place their fate in the bloodstained hands of the windy city’s most notorious gangster, Arturo Ui?
Brecht’s hilarious yet powerful parable play about corruption in the Chicago vegetable trade shed light on Hitler’s rise to power when it was written nearly 75 years ago, providing a cautionary tale against future authoritarian figures coming to power. Could a dire warning about the rise of a strong-arming (and perhaps, alarmingly orange-hued?) populist demagogue still be relevant today?”
Cave Theatre Co.’s production of Bertolt Brecht’s The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui was performed at UNDER St. Mark’s in the East Village in New York City, from October 6th - 16th, 2016. The production was directed by James Masciovecchio, and the cast featured Dylan Arredondo (The Actor, and others), Kiley Caughey (Roma, and others), Alex Etling (Givola, and others), David Gautschy (Arturo Ui, and others), Dani Martineck (Flake, and others), Julia Register (Giri, and others), Liz Tancredi (Betty Dullfleet, and others), and Josh Wood-Triplett (Dogsborough, and others).